ROUND ONE: No Rest Between Exercises and Sets
1) One Full Lap Of TIGHT (Think Of A Box) DB Walking Lunges (FWD)
*Men's Goal Weight- 35#-45#
*Women's Goal Weight- 20#-30#
2) Three Lap Sprint- Goal Time: 1 min 30 seconds
3) Tight DB Squat Push-Press- 25 times + Squat Jumps- 15 times (Three Sets Through/No Rest!)
*Men's Goal Weight- 25#-30#
*Women's Goal Weight- 15#-20#
*Rest One Minute AFTER Completing Third Set
ROUND TWO: Same As Above
1) One Full Lap of Tight (Think Of A Box) DB Walking Lunges (BCKWD)
*Goal Weight- Same As Round One
2) Three Lap Sprint- Goal Time: Same As Above
3) Wide Stance (Heels-In) Upright Row With Squat-25x + Push-ups- 15x + Squat Jumps- 15x
*Three Sets Through/No Rest
*Men's Goal Weight- Same As Round One
*Women's Goal Weight- Same As Round One
*Rest One Minute AFTER Completing Third Set
ROUND THREE: No Rest Between Exercises
1) Eight-Step Alternating DB Squat to Two-Step Alternating DB Squat (Go Deep)
*Men's Goal Weight- 25#-40#
*Women's Goal Weight- 15#-25#
2) Alternating Shoulder Press (Tight/2nd Position of Peek-A-Boos)- 50 Total
*Men's Goal Weight- 20#-30#
*Women's Goal Weight- 12#-20#
3) Push-ups- 15 Times (Tight/Also in Second Position/Full Range Of Motion)
*Goal Time: 20 seconds
4) Fast/Deep/Low Burpees- 10 Times> Goal Time: 15 Seconds
Rest 45 seconds and Move on to the Next Round!
1) Ten-Step Alternating DB Squat to Two-Step Alternating DB Squat (Go Deep)
*Men's Goal Weight- Same as Round Three
*Women's Goal Weight- Same as Round Three
2) Alternating Shoulder Press- 50 Total (Tight/1st Position of Peek-A-Boos)
*Men's Goal Weight- Same As Round Three
*Women's Goal Weight- Same As Round Three
3) Push-ups- 15 times (Tight/Diamond-Shaped/Full Range Of Motion)
*Goal Time: 20 seconds
4) Fast/Deep/Low Burpees- 10 times> Goal Time: 15 seconds
Rest 45 seconds and Move on to the Next Round!
1) Twelve-Step Alternating DB Squat to Two-Step Alternating DB Squat (Go Deep)
*Men's Goal Weight- Same as Round Three and Four
*Women's Goal Weight- SAme as Round Three and Four
2) Alternating Shoulder Press- 50 Total (Wide/V-shaped)
Men's and Women's Goal Weight- Same as Round Three and Four
3) Push-ups- 15 times (As Wide As Possible/Full Range Of Motion)
*Goal Time: 20 seconds
4) Fast/Deep/Low Burpees- 10 times> Goal Time: 15 seconds
NUTRITION TIP OF THE DAY: The Real Deal on Beef... one important fact is there are cuts of beef that are relatively low in fat. Eating beef has its benefits-it's a great source of protein, iron, and niacin. There are several suggestions for preparing and choosing lean cuts of meat.
1)Trim the ribbons of fat from meals before cooking.
2) Avoid using oils and butter for cooking.
3) Limit portion size to three to five ounces (the size of a deck of cards).
1) Eye of Round 141 Calories-4g Total Fat-1.5g Saturated Fat
2) Round Tip 149 Calories-5g Total Fat -1.8g Saturated Fat
3) Top Sirloin 162 Calories-5.8g Total Fat- 2.3g Saturated Fat
4) Top Loin 168 Calories-7.1g Total Fat-1.8g Saturated Fat
5) Top Round 169 Calories-4.3g Total Fat-1.5g Saturated Fat
6) Tenderloin 175 Calories-8.1g Total Fat-3.0g Saturated Fat
Muscular Development Magazine (Oct)
1 comment:
HOLY CRAP! Did I ASK you to post this thereby suggesting that I will be doing this workout at some point? :) WHOA! Super props to everyone that did this! Nice job!
Thanks for posting Debbie!
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